Monday, February 7, 2011

Chapters 8 and 9 (: (: (:

Chapter 8:::::::
I think that it is really rude the Nick wants Gatsby to forget about Daisy..... When Gatsby is ready to move on from Daisy and to forget about her I think he will do that at his own pace and at his own time... He doesn't need Nick or anyone to tell him when. I think its really sweet that Gatsby did all those things to get Daisy to like him (: Its good to see that he felt close to her before and can still feel the same way about her now(: I think that is true love when you can love someone and then come back after so many years and still feel as if nothing has changed and nothing is different. Its kind of a bummer on Gatsby though how Daisy said she would wait for him, but then ended up marring Tom.. ):  OK so its a little weird that Gatsby doesn't want the gardener to drain the pool even though he never uses it and never wants to use it... if the leaves are just going to clog the drain I don't see the big deal in draining it... oh well....I think its weird that Nick doesn’t want to be at work and doesn’t want to go on his date with Jordan Baker…. But I guess its really his fault if you think about it… he didn’t have to go talk to Gatsby and then get all upset and worked up that was his own fault… I don't get why Wilson killed Gatsby it just doesn't make any sense.... and then why did he end up killing himself???!!!
Chapter 9::::::
AWWWWWWW!!!! its really sad that no one will go to his funeral ): its like his friends were not real friends... that they were only his friends for his money and the parties he throws.... its just sad to see that only a few people really cared about him enough to go to the funeral.. I am even surprised that Daisy doesn't go the funeral ): I think its good that Nick didn't want to shake Tom's hand... what Tom did was rude and disrespectful. If Tom hadn't of told Wilson that Gatsby was the one who owned the car Gatsby would still be alive and so would Wilson... its not Gatsby's fault that Myrtle got hit by a car its not his fault that she died.... So why should Gatsby have to die... Also, I think its good that Nick has came to see that Tom and Daisy are cruel selfish uncaring people and that they deserve each other.......... its kind of weird how Nick thinks of everything as if it had happened in the West even though it entirely took place in the East.... ahhhh welllllll.... its cool to see Nick's perspective of things... I like that he thinks everyone lives of the same dreams and are motivated by similar beliefs....

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Chapters 6 &&& 7

Chapter 6::::
i thinks its crazyyyyy how rumors are still being told about Gatsby... why cant people just give him a break ): not cool! I think its really cool how Gatsby has been on a yacht before!! Also, i like how he got is name Gatsby and that his real name was Gatz.  It was really messed up how Dan Cody's mistress would not let Gatsby collect his inheritance after Cody died... but hey he became wealthy.... speaking about him getting wealthy im really glad he dedicated himself into becoming a wealthy and successful man and was able to do so.... OHHHHH and i really reallyyyy reallyyyyy like the reason to why he is not  a drinker... its just cool to see that he can make that decision when he was younger and stil be able to hold through with his decision(:wow wow wow not cool i dont think Tom should have invited Gatsby over to dine with them if he did not mean it... thats just really messed up!!! ): but i guess its also really weird that Tom doesn't trust Daisy to hang out at Gatsby's house alone... i think if they are to be married they should be able to trust each other a little betterrrr...... its really sad how Tom upset Daisy...... but i liked how Daisy stood up for Gatsby when Tom was baggin on him........ awwww its really sweet how Gatsby is so in love with Daisy and just wants her to leave Tom... (:    

Chapter 7:::::::
wowwwwwwww its soo cool how Gatsby called off all his parties and fired all his servants just for his true love..... things are getttinnn hot threee... they are obviosuly crazy about eachother so they may as well just make it an official thing instead up just keeping their feelings kept up inside of them...... I don't think its cool that tom confronts Gatsby about his college life, and his feelings for Daisy, and how he makes up stuff about how gatsby got all his money... i mean reallyyy Gatsby is a good guyyy people need to leave him alone(: oh myyyy oh myyyyyyy  i cant believe that mrytle got hit by a car and it just so happened to be that Gatsby and Daisy were both in that car....awwww gatsby is like a hero he is hiding to make sure that daisy is safe.... thats how you know that the love is trueee(: