Sunday, January 30, 2011

chapter 3, 4, and 5 for The Great Gatsby

Chapter 3:::::

So I think its cool the Gatsby is a cool guy and is well known... but I’m not a big fan of the reasoning. I don't think a person should have a lot of friends and be well known just because they throw big elaborate parties in their mansion. but hey I guess if he doesn't have a problem with it I don't either its his life... also, another thing about Gatsby he has got to get tired of people drooling over how nice his stuff is.. I mean seriously that kind of thing has got to get annoying he can't help that he can afford nice things and that he is in the category of the wealth. One thing that I do happen to like about Gatsby though is the fact the he does not drink, that he keeps away from the party. I like this because it shows that he can be responsible and mature. It also shows that he has good will power and self control because usually when a person is surrounded by people who are drinking its hard to not fall into the pressure around you. So what I don’t get is why Nick would follow Daisy and Tom’s advise about seeing Jordan Baker when he knows that she is a fundamentally dishonest person and that she cheated on her last golf tournament. To me that seems like a stupid idea, why would someone be interested in that kind of a person?!?!?! I just think personally that that is one of the weirdest things possible, to be attracted to a person you know is dishonest and really doesn’t care.

In this chapter I don’t know whether to think that Nick believes Gatsby or to think that Nick thinks that Gatsby is making all of this stuff up…. Ok so Gatsby end up getting pulled over for speeding. I don’t quite understand what the white card is. I mean how can a card get you out a ticket with the police, to me that is just a little ridiculous, like the officer even apologized like he should have known better or as if it were some kind of an inconvenience. Nick, this guy I just don’t understand. Why does he think that Gatsby’s wealth comes from him and that one other guy committing a crime together… you know I think Nick just wants Gatsby to be some bad guy and he will think of anything to make him look as if he were some kind of criminal.  It’s a little whack how Gatsby is in love with Daisy because she is a married woman and people should not be crushing on married people that’s just weird and wrong in sooo many ways. It’s a weeee bit crazy how Tom has not been able to stay faithful throughout his and Daisy’s marriage. It is really cute how Gatsby bought his house so that he could be by Daisy that just made me so happy its like one of the cutest things EVER! But hey this book is just like on big love mess, it seems like everyone is with the wrong person in a way.

Chapter 5:::::

I think it is really nice of Nick to be helping out Gatsby. I don’t think its cool that Gatsby was trying to like bribe him into doing it. It was also weird though that Nick didn’t accept the offers either, but hey oh well he is just being a nice guy and helping out so that’s chill. Oh yayy I was really excited the Daisy showed up I was kind of a little nervous and was thinking that she wouldn’t show, but she did so yayy! I liked how Gatsby and Daisy started of all awkward, but then like after they were left alone so a bit they were fine and getting alone really well. I like how Gatsby tell her about his long nights and stuff like that(: so it was really funny how Gatsby and Daisy just forgot about how Nick was with them and he just ended up leaving. Ha that part made me laugh so hard. But it makes me wonder are the two going to fall in love? Is Daisy got to have an affair with her husband? I’m just really curious now to see what happens with the two of them. The way that things are looking now I think there is a possibility that they may fall in love or something will happen that will lead to her doing stuff with him and no longer being as faithful as she is now….



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