Monday, November 15, 2010

Chapters 4,5,6 The Jungle

Chapter 4:
I think that when Jurges is talking about hot the children should get an education he is absolutely correct. As we have learned earlier that knowledge is power so therefore they should get an education.  When i read this i felt happy because i believe that ever body should have the opportunity to get educated and be knowledgable. Also, because with the education the can get higher income job so that the can make more money.

Chapter 5:
I think after reading this chapter that it is really gross how the pack unsafe me. To me that is just gross and unhealthy. Also, it was stupid how people were complaining about their jobs.  I like how they were realizing how jobs in America really were though and not what the were expecting or use to.

Chapter 6:
When reading chapter six it really upset me how the realtor lie to them about paying interest when they were buying the house. Also, the employers were taking advantage of the employees but cheating them out and lying about their wages. I think that the employees need to start getting treated better then they do...


  1. Hope,
    I agree with you that it upset me when the realtor lied to them about having to pay interest. You did a great job responding to the text!

  2. hope, i thought your response was pretty good. i think what you could do to improve is add a little more deatail to your explaninations as to why or why not you liked something.

  3. I agree with you. It is good for Jurgis to talk about knowledge and education. I also agree that the meatpacking is nasty and disgusting. Good work Hope!

  4. Hope,

    Very good job. I agree with you on your chapter four sumary. You had many good points and I believe that you are correct on the higher education you can make more money. Capter five summary is great. I like how you put in the whole fact about the meat, because that was a big deal or big theme in my mind. That stood out the most for me. Yes, it did upset me as well about the relator. But I mean thats life and they will do whaever it takes to get you to get the house.


    Itty Bitty.(:

    p.s I found a new love for ritz.
    Thaks for letting me try them.(:

  5. Hope! I really like how you put your opinion down for each chapter instead of just writing one really long response. It makes your response really easy to read and it shows how you are organized :)

  6. I like how you used saying from the last story into this and yes i do agree that Jurgis should send them to school because that is the key to life but you could use a little more to back up what you liked in the story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. miss HOPel Irean Fanity,
    you did a really great job describing the reading. your notes went very well..hehehe.. good job miss. and i think you need a little more in your writing(: just sayingggg

