Monday, November 29, 2010

Chapters 7- 20 The Jungle

Chapter 7:
in this chapter i really didn't like how they were still going to work even though they were sick instead of staying home a recovering from their illness. Also i didn't like how people were suffering from starvation and being homeless.i think if someone is suffering from starvation people in the community should do all that they can and are willing to do to help others out.

Chapter 8:
in chapter 8 i didn't really understand what the celebrations were... and why just most any one could go if the wanted to. it really upset me when i read that people were loosing their jobs and not making money. This is because its not easy to find a job and if you can;t make money then you are not going to be able to provide for your family.

Chapter 9:
I really like how Jurgis started learning English! Ao, how he was becoming a U.S citizen. I was kinda happy but not at the same time when Jurgis learned about everthing in the meat packing places.... i think it should if used be evenly distributed but id rather have it with noooo ickkyyyy meat!!

Chapter 10:
in this chapter i like how they made their house seller person guy go over what all the coasts were for!!  I think its sad how Marija looses her job but its also good that she finda  new one... I love love love love love how Ona has the baby and Jurgis had a great affection for him, but it is a little ridiculous how Ona goes back to work after a week of delivering the babyy.... it puts her health in danger!! ):

Chapter 11:
I think it is great how Marija opens a savings account. BUT its not good that she goes and withdraws all the money and sews it into her clothes. then she had a fear of sinking into the mud on the streets..... i just think why even bother sewing it in your clothes????

Chapter 12:
i think that it is a big bummer that Jurgis gets hurt and cant work for 3 months. Its stupid to me how it get frustrated and then takes it out on his family.... thats just not right! Oh and i really dont like how Jurgis beats the one guy with a really long name and makes him go to work on snowy days when he doesn't want to after he got all frostbitten and ruined his joints in his hands.  Oh Oh Oh and i think its crazy how and 11 year-old had to work to help his family.... thats just such a young age..... ):

Chapter 13:
i didn't no really how to feel about the one ladys daughter dyeing cause some were happy and some weren't......... i think id be sad thought!! I feel like Jurgis should have wanted to help with the funeral... but oh well its his life bud! Also its good that Jurgis gets a job but i mean it does kinda stink that it like th least desirable one of all.....

Chapter 14:
I really really really like how Jurgis and his family learn about all the secrets in the meat packing industries... like how the worst meat goes into the sasgue. it kinda really sad when Jurgis and Ona start to     not get along  and Jurgis becomes and alcoholic... ):  0: Its super upper sad how Antanas get a bad childhood sickness and only makes it to his first birthday ): It great though how Ona get pregnant again but not so great that she gets sick cause that can be bad for the baby and her health.... :/

CHapter 15:
this is one crazyyy chapter to me!i can not believe that Ona gets harassed, and rapped, and threatened and still lies to Jurgis about to why she is not coming home at night... I dont think that Jurgis should have had to go to prison because he was just protecting his wife and hurting the person that hurt her. If anyone should have gone to jail it should have been the Connor guy.

Chapter 16 and 17:
I dont think it was right at all for Jurgis to get arrested and taken to jail he really was doing it in defense of his wife.... it is even a little blow outta proportion when they sentence him to 30 days in prison. He even pleads to the judge that his family can not be provided for if he does not work but the judge does not care. He gets a visit and finds out that everyone lost their jobs and they cant pay rent or get food and Marija is suffering from blood poisoning and the  family income comes from begging. that to me is just really sad and should not happen to anyone if that were to be possible. its also really sad how he has to be in jail durring christmas and how he thinks about what his family has gone through....

Chapter 18:
After spending 3 extra days in prison since he could not pay his $300 bond its sad that he had to walk 20 miles how to find out that his family does not live there some other family does and his is in a boarding house. but it is also cool that he arrives just as Ona is going into labor.

Chapter 19:
i like how the midwife agrees to go help even though Jurgis could not afford what she was asking. its kinda a bummer that he gets told to leave cause he is in the way so he goes to a saloon until 4 A.M.. but at his arrival it made me cry cause the baby had died and Ona was dying. But its stupid how he went to get drunk afterwards!! :l


  1. I like how you got into the reading for this and yeah there was alot of things that were gross in the story and I hope its not like this the whole story and if Jurgis is going to get out of the place to find a new job.

  2. Hope, I agree with your opinions, and I like the way you state tehm. I would suggest using some from of spell check and grammer check in this, other wise it is really good.

  3. i like how you wrote about what you thought happened and what stuck out to you rather than restating the plot of each chapter, you had nice deatail and its obvious you understood and comprehended what you read!

  4. I can tell that you understand what you read and I liked the descriptive words you used to describe how you were feeling. I agree that there is a ton of things in thtis book that are disgusting and I think it is just going to continue to be dusgusting.

  5. mmmm so, i totally like how you split the chapters in sectons an did all that good stuff. I thought it was way dumm how he just went off to get drunbk afterwardz tood butt i mean he did just loose his family sooo kinda dont blame him... O an i didnt think it was right for the fact that he went to jail either.. over all this books gets me angry at times! butt also sad.. nnyways! keep that blogging up!:]]

  6. Hope,
    I liked how you integrated your feelngs into your summary. When I read your reaction, I felt that you really understood what happened. I agree on jurgis getting drunk. Overall, you did an excellent job.

  7. Dang girl;
    you did a great job. i loved how you got so into it like you were there. like the narrator, or something.
    ya so whats up with you.
    love claire.
