Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Finally.... Chapter 31!!!!! (:

Chapter 31:
So in this chapter I didn't like how Marija wouldn't give up prostitution. Yea I know it could probably be hard becuase of the morphine she is addicted to but still its a little crazy when she says shes going to be a prostitute for the rest of her life, but I think thats its good that Jurgis at least tried to get her to stop. I aslo really likes how Jurgis went and talked to that one dude for the magazine. Its really good though how he is finally going and talking to him to say that he thinks and how he feels; I liked how they talked about the hours that workers were working and that it should be ok for a man to work for two hours and then be able to devote the rest of his time for the things that he likes to do and what intrests him. The other thing that I liked is that the socialist party got a lot of awards. Also, that the speaker encouraged all those who were in favor of a socialist community to continue of fighting because the battle they are fight has not been won. This shows that he people who really care about what they believe in will do what they need to do to prove that they are dedicated to the issue and want what they believe in and for what they think is right.....

Monday, December 13, 2010

Ch. 29-30

Ch. 29.....

Well Well Well.... i have go t no idea what this chapter was about honestly.. I was like really confused while reading it... i think though im just going out on a lim here bu ti think that what happened in this chapter was good..don' get mad if your reading this and everything I say is entirely wrong.. :/  It gets explained that just because America is a free country that wage slavery is different... but im just going to stop here 'cause I am really confused. :(

Ch. 30...

ok well this chapter wasn't so much better for me. but it is good that Jurgis and Teta whats her face are talking again and that thy are going to Socialist meetings together. Also i really liked how Jurgis wants to help support the family now and take care of them.. that made me happy because the way that things were looking i didn't think it would get any better but what do ou know they do (wow)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Chapter 27 &&&& 28

ok so here is the deal.... these chapters were like way sad and I think I almost cried... but I didn't so its all good(:

Chapter 27:
Jurgis is out trying to look for a job, but at the same time a lot of men are also looking for a job so things can get really difficult. I did get really happy though when he did find a job, it just shows to never give up and always have hope. WELL then Jurgis goes to look for Marija and this was really sad because he found her at a whorehouse..  this to me was really sad because it just stinks to think people had to stoop to some low levels just to get money so that they are able to support their family. Also, another person dies.. I mean seriously did any body ever live??

Chapter 28:
ok soo I got really excited and happy and stuff when the girls no longer were prostitues... they were now able to go back into respecting their body and not just giving it away. It made me mad that the prostitutes got addicted tod rugs so that they were always coming back for more.. I mean honestly you dont want your employeer to get you hooked onto drugs! like for real thats just so messed up!!! I would hate if my boss got me addicted to a drug just cause they didn't want me to leave...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

chapter 26 (:

ok in this chapter Jurgis keeps his job, yes he keeps it!! Jurgis make a total of three dollars an hour, but making three dollars per hour isn't that bad.  I didn't like how he got put back into jail; while he was in jail he figured out that phil Connor was one of Scully's favorites. Finally, the meat packing brought women to sell booze to the black workers to keep them working. To me it just seems like Jurgis finally turned his life around, but by knowing al the books that we read in this class im not going to get my hopes up. I really liked how he got to keep his job though and ended up being a boss... it was time for him to get to take charge over something!!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

23. 24. 25 (:

Chapter 23:
I think its cool how Jurgis gets a job(: It also kinda stinks that he suffers from and injury though and is then put into the hospital.. ): It seems like to me that the author really does not like Jurgis and just wants to make the poor guy suffer as badly as he possibly can ):

Chapter 24:
It was way sad how they had to fight over the places to live in and stuff.. I really liked how the one mad helped Jurgis b giving him a meal and a place to say and paid for the cab and gave him some money. I don't like how the butler dude told Jurgis that he had to leave and he could not stay there. Also, I am starting to think that Jurgs likes to fight people.

Chapter 25:
It is really sad when you cant do something when you have money with out people being or getting suspicious..It is also crazy how he got put back into jail because the bartender cheated him. Jurgis was just trying to prove that he wans't going to take that from anybody and he was not ok with people like that, (: I think Jurgis did the right thing and i probably would have started hurting the guy too (:

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Chapter 20-23

Chapter 20:
In this chapter i liked how Jurgis was willing to look for workeven though Connore had him blacklisted. It was good that he took the job that was not necissarily the best of the best but it was a way for him to make money.... so that made me happy (: i also liked how Juris started learning English again at nights!!! i think it is great that he wants to learn english and keeps working at it...

Chapter 21:
its really sad how the family's income come from 10 year olds... i dont think thats right at all for kids to be working.. i liked hoe the one lady wanted to help find Jurgis a job after seeing and hearing about their life and such....its good that he got a job at the mill but it kind of stinks that he can only go home on the weekends ): oh oh oh its also way sad when Antana dies exspecially because of they way that she died....

Chapter 22:
i dont like how Jurgis fight all of his emotions.. it cant possibly be good for himt o keep it all locked inside he has to let it all out eventually.... i like how the farmer offered him work and gave him shelter frot he times being... it showed that not all people are mean in this book.... it really stinks that jurgis works so hard to get only a few meals and that when he does make money he blows it in that night by buying alcohol and spending it on girls.......