Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Chapter 27 &&&& 28

ok so here is the deal.... these chapters were like way sad and I think I almost cried... but I didn't so its all good(:

Chapter 27:
Jurgis is out trying to look for a job, but at the same time a lot of men are also looking for a job so things can get really difficult. I did get really happy though when he did find a job, it just shows to never give up and always have hope. WELL then Jurgis goes to look for Marija and this was really sad because he found her at a whorehouse..  this to me was really sad because it just stinks to think people had to stoop to some low levels just to get money so that they are able to support their family. Also, another person dies.. I mean seriously did any body ever live??

Chapter 28:
ok soo I got really excited and happy and stuff when the girls no longer were prostitues... they were now able to go back into respecting their body and not just giving it away. It made me mad that the prostitutes got addicted tod rugs so that they were always coming back for more.. I mean honestly you dont want your employeer to get you hooked onto drugs! like for real thats just so messed up!!! I would hate if my boss got me addicted to a drug just cause they didn't want me to leave...


  1. Hope you did a great job on this and it was way better than the last one hahah you did a great job!!!!

  2. i think you did a great job writing about how each chapter made you feel. i dont think i ever have gotten so into this book that i almost cried. but your response to chapter 28 was kinda wierd...

  3. Hope, good job on writing your reaction, I agree with you on how the chapters are really sad. Good job on not crying also. Keep up the good work.
