Monday, October 11, 2010

chapters 8 9 and part of 10

Chapter 8:
One thing that i really did not enjoy about chapter 8 was how it said what they were compared too.
I don't think it is right that they were valued at the same price as animals. Slaves were not animals they were people whether the slave owners wanted to believe so or not. I thought it was cool how Fredrick Douglass was excited to return back to Baltimore even thought it seemed like he didn't even know his master anymore, like they were two completely different people. I kinda got lost when it started talking about how the grandmother started giving things to people. Well, at least that's what i think that she was doing I'm still not quite sure. It was kinda sad when it was talking about how the grandmother was to die a lone. I really like how he got attached to the Baltimore boys(: it made me happy when it showed that he had real feelings. O lastly, i thought it was good that he wanted to run away. If i were him i would want to run away too.

Chapter 9:
I thought it was really sad when he was being treated in a way that he was not use to, he didn't expect to be  treated that way. It was weird to me how his new master was mean, but was not capable of taking the power or authority over things. One thing that i did like was that his master was a religious man. its kind of interesting how he will find religious reasons for every one of his actions. it was really sad that he has to deal with a person that he considered to be the worst master that he had ever had.  Nobody should have to feel like they are stuck with somebody that is so horrible and cruel to them that they are unhappy and miserable most of the time.

Chapter 10:
Well... chapter 10 was a hard chapter for me to understand. I almost cried when it said that he got beat for a week after he arrived and then had many beatings like it after the first for similar offenses. Also, reading that he was whipped frequently and got enough to eat, but not near enough time to eat it all was just stupid. it was cool how his master was a hard-working man... it shows that he still has some good character. It kinda rough i think on the slaves how they had to work no matter what the conditions outside were like. It was good that he got to spend Sunday as a free man and do as he pleased. I thought that the master was being a total jerk when he was kicking him and making him get up and get back to work even though he was really sick and could barley stand. The last two pages where it was just one reallyyyyy long paragraphs i got completely lost.


  1. I agree wit what you said on all the chapters. I thought the master was mean too when he kicked Fredrick when he was tired and sick.

    Happy Birthday HOPE!!
    Your a big girl now haha

  2. I like what you wrote, I agree with you about how chapter 10 was way confusing, It really looks like tho for the most part you understood.

    go you,

  3. Hope,
    I totally agree with you! It is horrible that the slaves were compared at the same price as animals. I also agree with you saying that it was weird that his new slave master was very cruel and yet he couldn't take athority on anything. Good writing!! :))

  4. hey hope just came by to say happy birthday!!! for about the 8th time haha

  5. Hope,

    In chapter 8 if you really wanted to run away you were probably beaten to death if they caught you. When you write your sentences make sure you capitalize the beginning of your sentences. Your reaction to the chapters are pretty good. Good job with your responses. :)

  6. Hope,
    I absolutely agree with you that this whole slavery thing is stupid. It was atrocious that many of the people of that time would justify their actions with a quote from the bible. Do you think that we could still be doing this? Continue with these thoughts, and perhaps search for the answers to your own questions.
    Ms. Ladtkow
