Thursday, October 14, 2010

Rest of Chapter 10(:

Chapter ten to me was a little confusing to me. I don't really understand how everything ties back together. It to me seemed like it was a little all over the place. I ddi enjoy how he did decide to run away though. It showed that he was now willing to take a stand and show that he no longer wanted to put up with being  a slave anymore, that he wanted to be free.


  1. i too thought that chapter 10 was confusing, maybe going back and reading again or higlighting and commenting on the margins of the text could help you summerize the text better

  2. Dear Hope..
    I thought that chapter ten was a little confusing too. But good job on the reaction!!

  3. Hope, I agree this was way confusing, Maybe you can re read it or call a friend next time, to better understand. I don agree with what you said because i to liked that he tried to run away, he wants to be free but sadly he didnt succed.

    Claire :)

  4. I agree with you on the reading! And your response was a bit short, but it was to the point and I enjoyed it. Good job! :)

  5. Hope,
    Your response was a bit short. If you didn't understand this part of the book then I would suggest going back and reading the parts you didn't understand again.
