Monday, October 18, 2010

Last but not Least chapter 11 (: (:


Chapter 11 to me seemed like it was a quick summary of his life after he escaped. I liked how he put stuff in about the underground railroad. I thought it was kinda weird how he didn't really like to get a reward and that his master thought if he gave Douglass a reward that it would make him work harder. There was a really long paragraph that I didn't really understand so...It was really sweet when he said that it would be hard for him to escape since it would mean leaving his friends behind and he loved and cared about them. (: It was also really cool how he said there wasn't a word that could describe how it felt to be a free man. It made me realize that we take that for granit some times because we didn't have to fight or work for our freedom the way that they did and we didn't have to suffer like them. I also liked how Mr. Ruggles got Fredrick a certificate "officializing" his marriage. I did think it was weird however how he had so many different names.

- I really liked that he became a free man! (:
- i liked that Mr. Ruggles was so nice to him (: that made me happy!!

- Why did he have so many names??
-Why was it hard from his to describe how he felt as a free man???


  1. Hope, I agree with you how it was hard for him oto leave his freinds to run away to freedom. I thoght you did a good job of putting your opinions in this.

  2. Hope,

    In the paragraph that didn't make sense you, you should re-read it, or ask someone that does know it. Claire called me one time asking what something meant. But overall your reaction was very good.

  3. somehow this makes me think that you weren't in the best state of mind while you were writing this but overall i think its a good response. One thing that i would suggest is to make it a little bit longer but the shortness could be due to the fact that you didn't understant that LONG paragraph.

  4. Your reaction to this was very good. I think your questions would make good discussion questions and that shows you were actively reading. Nice work and keep on bloggin'!

  5. Hope,
    I agree with you about Chapter 11 just being a summary of Douglass' life after escaping slavery and bing free. I agree with you that it was weird that Douglass had so many names. Great writing!!


  6. Hope,

    This brings up an interesting question: how do people who have never been free fight for something that have never experience? In the same line of thinking, how do people who have always been free learn to the meaning of that freedom?
